We have found many feathers taking walks in Barryville over the years and they seem to have grown into a diverse collection.
I was going to write about my desire for a greater knowledge and acknowledgement of birds, of the illustrated bird books I have purchased over the years, placed on our back porch upstate, covered with bird poop from the many nests built directly above the table where they rest, but I am not. Instead,I am going to write about the feathers/quills used last night while at the show "Hamilton," on Broadway. The subtle use of feathers that passed from one statesmen to another, creating laws, writing letters, signing treaties. The feathered pens that were used to communicate bills being passed, betrayal and redemption. The simple and important symbol of the feather being passed around as this spectacular production unfolds.
It was my 2nd time seeing the show, and if it is possible, it was even better than the first. I noticed details I hadn't seen before. I noticed more wordplay from Miranda's incredible mind, and I noticed the talent, the phenomenal talent.
Perhaps it is the feathers shot on these old papers written by hand, that tie it into Hamilton for me, or perhaps it is the history wrapped in a musical based on words and poetry. Whatever the reason, it gives me the opportunity to mull over that wonderful show and the clever, brilliant, informative and entertaining moments that Hamilton provides.