Coffee addicts in this house. I am ashamedly addicted to starbucks- not a sweet latte concoction, but a strong multi shot form of decaffeinated coffee. This chosen, after a painful detox of caffeine in my 20’s. Steve is an espresso guy. Our Nespresso machine, creates the perfect rendition of an espresso and without fail, it is the first thing he goes to each morning. The perfection of the froth and the bold flavor is the closest home solution to his favorite cafe in Baucina, Sicily.
Boro is a japanese word meaning “tattered rags.” Like early American patchwork quilts, These japanese textiles revealed information about a family’s history and social standing. These tattered and roughly repaired pieces showed an impoverished past, and were an embarrassment to many as Japan rebuilt after WW2. Now they are collectable and reveal Japanese history and folk culture.