I love to drive with passengers in my car. To me, there is something special about communicating there. You are not looking at one another, you have the audio of your choice at your fingertips, and it’s a safe and easy place to connect.
Our recent drive from Austin to RoundTop was no different. Steve and I covered a lot of ground in the car, and made big plans. Some realized and others not, the 2 hour drive always keeps our focus in the same place, and inspired some great conversation.
Waze and google maps keep us on a certain path, avoiding objects in the road, but on these leisurely rides, I miss the spontaneity that a paper map of the overall area encourages. Paper, can often highlight parallel country roads and detours, instead of encouraging you to get there in the least possible time.
Once we are out of the car, it is an entirely different story. My pace is fast. At a flea market, I see a lot of objects pretty quickly, so when I get there, I am best going alone. This trip was no different and I quickly completed fields glancing back at Steve's slow and steady pace.
This is part of a vast collection of vintage metal I found that day.